MEF NaaS Excellence Awards
Rosemary Cochran and Erin Dunne serve as MEF NaaS Excellence Awards judges.

MEF Global NaaS Event
Vertical Systems Group is a GNE Media partner and contributing Industry Analyst firm for this event. Erin Dunne is hosting a fireside chat with AT&T executives and is moderating the “Qualifying NaaS Ecosystem Partners” panel. Rosemary Cochran is moderating two LSO Summit panels and is providing her key GNE takeaways on the Analyst Perspectives panel.

Light Reading Leading Lights Awards 2024
Erin Dunne is on the judging committee for The Leading Lights 2024, Light Reading’s annual awards program to recognize innovation and achievement in the global communications industry.

SD-WAN and SASE Summit 2023
Vertical Systems Group is a Media Partner for this Upperside event.

Connectbase Customer Summit
Rosemary Cochran participates on the Women in Tech panel.

MEF Excellence Awards
Rosemary Cochran and Erin Dunne serve as MEF Excellence Awards judges.

MEF Global NaaS Event
Vertical Systems Group is a GNE Media partner and contributing Industry Analyst firm for this event. Rosemary Cochran and Erin Dunne serve as MEF Excellence Awards judges.

Light Reading Leading Lights Awards
Erin Dunne is on the judging committee for The Leading Lights 2023, Light Reading’s annual awards program to recognize innovation and achievement in the global communications industry.

SD-WAN and SASE Summit
Vertical Systems Group is a Media Partner for this Upperside event.

NetEvents Global Media Summit 2022
Erin Dunne chairs the Open Networks and the End of Legacy panel, discussing how the proprietary connectivity of the past is just not up to the complex challenges of a cloud-centric future and the rise of the open source network operating system.