19 Mar 2013 U.S. Cable MSO Ethernet LEADERBOARD
Time Warner Cable, Cox, Comcast, Charter Business, Lightpath and Bright House Networks attain top Cable MSO LEADERBOARD positions
BOSTON, MA, MARCH 19, 2014 – The six leading Cable MSOs in the U.S. Carrier Ethernet services market are as follows (in rank order based on port share): Time Warner Cable, Cox, Comcast, Charter Business, Lightpath (formerly Optimum Lightpath) and Bright House Networks, according to Vertical Systems Group’s latest research. These companies have achieved positions on Vertical’s 2013 U.S. Cable MSO Ethernet LEADERBOARD, the benchmark for measuring Ethernet market presence based on billable retail ports delivered by cable operators.
“Cable MSOs headlined the Carrier Ethernet market in 2013 with meteoric growth. Operators across all service territories successfully competed with Incumbents and CLECs on the basis of price and rapid provisioning.” said Rick Malone, principal at Vertical Systems Group. “Within the Cable MSO segment, Time Warner Cable and Cox led in port share, while Comcast led in growth. Overall, cable operators were particularly competitive selling metro Ethernet LAN services and Ethernet Internet access.”
Each company on the 2013 U.S. Cable MSO Ethernet LEADERBOARD has achieved either a Leaderboard rank or a Challenge Tier citation on the 2013 U.S. Carrier Ethernet LEADERBOARD.
Detailed Ethernet share results for the U.S. market and by provider segment (Incumbent Carrier, Competitive Provider, Cable MSO) plus in-depth share analysis are available now exclusively through Vertical Systems Group’s ENS (Emerging Networks Service) Research Programs.