28 Feb 2012 U.S. Incumbent Carrier Business Ethernet LEADERBOARD
AT&T, Verizon, CenturyLink and Windstream rank as the top Incumbent Carriers selling Ethernet services in the U.S.
For the Incumbent Carrier segment of the U.S. business Ethernet services market, the top four companies are as follows (in rank order based on port share): AT&T, Verizon, CenturyLink, and Windstream. As a result, each of these providers has achieved a position on Vertical’s 2012 U.S. Incumbent Carrier Ethernet Leaderboard, a new benchmark for measuring Ethernet market presence based on billable ports delivered by incumbent carriers.
“AT&T and Verizon have been successful in providing Ethernet services to their large enterprise network customers, thereby maintaining the top two U.S. Ethernet Leaderboard positions for several years running. However, CenturyLink was the fastest growing provider on the Leaderboard in 2012,” said Rick Malone, principal at Vertical Systems Group. “Windstream also had solid growth, gaining fourth position on the Incumbent Carrier segment Leaderboard due to its focus on Ethernet access to IP VPN services and the Internet.”
Each company ranked on the 2012 U.S. Incumbent Carrier Ethernet Leaderboard has achieved either a Leaderboard rank or a Challenge Tier citation on the 2012 U.S. Business Ethernet Leaderboard.
Detailed Ethernet market share results for the U.S. market and by provider segment (Incumbent Carrier, Competitive Provider, Cable MSO) plus in-depth share analysis are available now exclusively through Vertical Systems Group’s ENS (Emerging Networks Service) Research Programs.