27 Feb 2012 U.S. Competitive Provider Business Ethernet LEADERBOARD
tw telecom, Level 3, XO, Cogent, Zayo, Reliance Globalcom and Integra Telecom ranked on new Competitive Provider Leaderboard.
The leading Competitive Providers for business Ethernet services in the U.S. are as follows (in rank order based on port share): tw telecom, Level 3, XO, Cogent, Zayo, Reliance Globalcom and Integra Telecom, according to Vertical Systems Group’s latest research. As a result, these seven companies have achieved positions on Vertical’s 2012 U.S. Competitive Provider Ethernet Leaderboard, a new benchmark for measuring Ethernet market presence based on billable ports delivered by competitive providers.
“Our new U.S. Ethernet Provider Leaderboards reflect a robust competitive ecosystem, which has three major segments – Incumbent Carrier, Competitive Provider and Cable MSO. Each of the companies in the Competitive Provider segment brings a set of distinctive competencies to the Ethernet market, ranging from price leadership to optimized performance,” said Rick Malone, principal at Vertical Systems Group. “tw telecom topped the Competitive Provider Ethernet Leaderboard in 2012, boosted by its leadership on dynamic bandwidth and advanced network management capabilities.”
Each company ranked on the 2012 U.S. Competitive Provider Ethernet Leaderboard has achieved either a Leaderboard rank or a Challenge Tier citation on the 2012 U.S. Business Ethernet Leaderboard.
Detailed Ethernet market share results for the U.S. market and by provider segment (Incumbent Carrier, Competitive Provider, Cable MSO) plus in-depth share analysis are available now exclusively through Vertical Systems Group’s ENS (Emerging Networks Service) Research Programs.