12 Apr STATFlash: U.S. Carrier Managed SD-WAN Services Surge to $7.8 Billion by 2026
New research quantifies revenue and site projections, WAN Access connectivity, customer site configurations, MPLS migration, Service Provider market shares and more.
BOSTON, MA, April 12, 2022 – The U.S. market for Carrier Managed SD-WAN Services is projected to surge to $7.8 billion by 2026, according to latest research from Vertical Systems Group. Revenue for this rapidly expanding market segment is derived from U.S. customer site installations with SD-WAN Service overlay components plus WAN Access underlay connectivity.

Carrier Managed SD-WAN Services are carrier-grade offerings for business customers that are managed by a network operator, utilize an SDN architecture, enable dynamic optimization of customer edge site connectivity, and provide centralized network control with application visibility end-to-end. Security is the most essential additional capability required by SD-WAN customers.
SD-WAN is one of the three Carrier Managed VPN Services tracked by Vertical, along with MPLS and Site-to-Site VPNs. Migration from MPLS has been a significant growth driver for Carrier Managed SD-WANs, with customers converting to either hybrid MPLS/SD-WAN configurations or full replacements. Despite this ongoing technology migration, U.S. revenue and customer connections for MPLS plus Site-to-Site services still eclipse Carrier Managed SD-WAN.
The industry’s leading source of comprehensive statistical analysis for U.S. Carrier Managed SD-WAN, MPLS and Site-to-Site services is Vertical Systems Group’s ENS (Emerging Networks Service) Research. ENS subscriptions feature unlimited access to syndicated research plus bundled analyst advisory support.

ENS Research Program subscribers have exclusive access to detailed statistics and analysis on strategic market development questions such as the following:
- What is the projected U.S. outlook on sites, connections, and revenue for Carrier Managed SD-WAN, MPLS and Site-to-Site services through 2026?
- When will Carrier Managed SD-WAN revenue surpass MPLS?
- How will the revenue contributions for SD-WAN Services overlay vs. WAN Access underlay change through 2026?
- How many billable Managed SD-WAN customer sites will be deployed between now and 2026? How will the number of sites per customer network change in this time period?
- What are the projected connection counts through 2026 for Managed SD-WAN installations by connection type, including Broadband, DIA, MPLS, LTE/4G/5G, Satellite and other types of access? How do these access alternatives compare based on functionality, bandwidth range and pricing?
- Which WAN access connectivity generates the highest revenue?
- What are the top site configurations purchased by Managed SD-WAN customers?
- What are the detailed market shares for Service Providers ranked on the U.S. Carrier Managed SD-WAN Services LEADERBOARD? How have market shares changed each year between 2018 and 2021?
- What are the top business challenges for 2022 as cited by Carrier Managed SD-WAN Service Providers?
- Which SD-WAN technology solutions are the leading Service Providers deploying?
Contact us now for more ENS information and pricing.
@SD-WAN is available exclusively with an ENS Research Program subscription. Research topics cover projected revenue, billable sites, customer counts, WAN Access connections, pricing by connection type (i.e., Broadband, DIA, MPLS, LTE/4G/5G, etc.), and site configurations (i.e., BB/DIA+ LTE/4G/5G, MPLS+DIA, etc.), plus the market share detail that powers the Carrier Managed SD-WAN Services LEADERBOARDs. Analysis includes SD-WAN migration drivers, profiles of top providers, technology status for top providers, plus Directories of Managed SD-WAN Services network operators and technology suppliers – and more.