2020 U.S. Competitive Provider Ethernet LEADERBOARD

Cogent, Zayo, GTT and T-Mobile are the leading Competitive Providers 

BOSTON, MA, MARCH 10, 2021 – Cogent, Zayo, GTT and T-Mobile (including Sprint) achieved a position on the 2020 U.S. Competitive Provider Ethernet LEADERBOARD, according to Vertical Systems Group’s latest research. This industry benchmark for measuring Ethernet market presence ranks the top competitive providers in order based on U.S. retail Ethernet port share. Companies in this segment encompass CLECs, regional and global providers, and specialized carriers selling Ethernet services in the U.S. market.

To qualify for the 2020 U.S. Competitive Provider Ethernet LEADERBOARD, companies must have either a LEADERBOARD rank or a Challenge Tier citation on the 2020 U.S. Carrier Ethernet LEADERBOARD.

  • Cogent, Zayo, GTT and Sprint each qualify for a position based on their 2020 Challenge Tier citations.
  • For the fourth consecutive year, there were no Competitive Providers with a top rank on the 2020 U.S. Carrier Ethernet LEADERBOARD.
  • Competitive Provider is one of three U.S. provider segments, along with the Incumbent Carrier and Cable MSO segments.

Other companies in the Competitive Provider segment include the following (in alphabetical order): AireSpring, American Telesis, BT Global Services, Consolidated Communications, Crown Castle Fiber, DQE Communications, FiberLight, FirstLight, Fusion Connect, Great Plains Communications, Logix Fiber Networks, LS Networks, Masergy, MetTel, Momentum Telecom, NTT, Orange Business, Segra, Tata, TPx, Unite Private Networks, US Signal and other competitive providers selling retail Ethernet services in the U.S.

Research sources for share calculations include Vertical Systems Group’s base of enterprise installations, plus direct input from biannual surveys of network operators selling Ethernet network services.

Research sources for share calculations include Vertical Systems Group’s base of enterprise installations, plus direct input from biannual surveys of network operators selling Ethernet network services.

Detailed Ethernet share results that power the Year-End 2020 U.S. Ethernet Provider Segment LEADERBOARDs are available now exclusively through Vertical Systems Group’s ENS Research Programs. For more information Contact us.